In order to give you the best possible care, we need your help. By being aware of the following rights and assuming the following responsibilities, you can contribute to your care in a positive way. For your information, this is provided to all patients in compliance with Federal and State Law:

Patient Rights

RIGHT to reasonable, impartial access to care regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, physical handicap or source of payment for care.

RIGHT to care that is considerate and respectful of your personal values and beliefs.

RIGHT to be informed about and participate in decisions regarding your care.

RIGHT to be informed about the outcomes of care, including unanticipated outcomes or errors.

RIGHT to receive information from your doctor which will enable you to give informed consent to a procedure or treatment. This includes a clear and concise explanation of the procedure and/or treatment to be performed, and the possible risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure/treatment.

RIGHT to refuse treatment unless otherwise prohibited by law.

RIGHT to have your own physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital. You also have the right to have a family member or your representative notified of your admission to the hospital.

RIGHT to a reasonable response to your request for service.

RIGHT to leave the hospital against your physician’s advice to the extent permitted by law.

RIGHT to expect personal privacy and confidentiality of information. Appropriate confidentiality and discretion shall be used in case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment. Anyone not involved with your care must have your written permission to review your medical record. All communications and records, including source of payment, are confidential.

RIGHT to access information contained in your clinical records within a reasonable timeframe.

RIGHT to expect reasonable safety in the hospital environment.

RIGHT to be informed of hospital rules and regulations applicable to your conduct as a patient.

RIGHT to unrestricted access to communication such as visitors, mail or telephone calls unless your physician or caregivers deem restrictions medically necessary. If restrictions are medically necessary, you have the right to a full explanation and to participate in the decision.

RIGHT to know the identity and job title of people providing your care and to know the doctor responsible for your treatment.

RIGHT to receive a complete explanation of risks, benefits and alternatives if transfer to another facility for healthcare services is necessary.

RIGHT to obtain information about your diagnosis and treatment in terms you can understand.

RIGHT to know if medical treatment is for purposes of experimental research and to consent prior to participation in such experimental research. For any patient, regardless of ability to pay or source of payment for care, participation must be voluntary; the patient has the right to know the risks, benefits, and alternatives to such experimental research.

RIGHT to refuse to participate in experimental research. Your consent or refusal must be documented in your medical record.

RIGHT to designate a decision maker in case you cannot understand proposed treatment or procedures or you are unable to communicate your wishes regarding care.

RIGHT to participate in ethical questions regarding your care that may arise including issues of conflict resolution, withholding resuscitative services, forgoing or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, and participation in investigational studies or clinical trials. The Ethics Advisory Committee is available 24 hours a day through the Nursing Supervisor. The purpose of this Committee is to assist you and your family with difficult decisions where there are no clear-cut answers.

RIGHT to formulate Advance Directives (Living Will and/or durable Power of Attorney for healthcare) as required by the Patient Self Determination Act.

RIGHT to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

RIGHT to be free of physical or chemical restraints unless your physician and caregivers determine restraints to be medically necessary for your safety or medical treatment. If restraints are applied, you have the right to a full explanation and to participate in the decision.

RIGHT to voice complaints about your care and to have those complaints reviewed and, when possible, resolved. You have the right to have results of that review and/or resolution communicated to you in writing.

RIGHT to protective privacy/services when considered necessary for your safety.

RIGHT to pastoral care or other spiritual services if requested.

RIGHT to appropriate assessment and management of pain.

RIGHT to receive a written statement of your rights in a language you can understand.

RIGHT to receive an itemized and detailed explanation of the total hospital bill, regardless of the source of payment.

Patient Responsibilities

RESPONSIBILITY to be honest and direct about things relating to you as a patient, including answering questions honestly and completely.

RESPONSIBILITY to help doctors, nurses and allied health personnel in their efforts to return you to health, including maintaining treatment recommended and notifying doctor of changes after discharge.

RESPONSIBILITY for advising those treating you whether or not you think you can and will follow a certain treatment plan.

RESPONSIBILITY for your actions if treatment is refused or instructions are not followed.

RESPONSIBILITY to bring information about past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to your health.

RESPONSIBILITY to follow hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.

RESPONSIBILITY to be considerate of other patients and respect their rights to privacy.

RESPONSIBILITY to be respectful of others, of other people’s property and the property of the hospital.

RESPONSIBILITY for assuring that your financial obligations, resulting from received healthcare, are fulfilled in a timely manner.

RESPONSIBILITY for informing the hospital as soon as possible if you believe your rights have or will be violated. You may do so by contacting the Nursing Supervisor 24 hours/day.